Wellness Sail, Norfolk

A Wellness Sail involves a peaceful sail through the protected creeks on the engineless mussel flat, focusing on the moon and sun’s energy as it pulls the sea into the creeks, which we harness.

You are invited to focus on your breathing and take in the sounds and wilderness of the salt marsh as you empty and clear your mind. As the tide reaches equilibrium we stop for an hour to enjoy a hot drink and one of Norfolk’s best locally sourced meals, combined with some very light yoga and stretching . As the celestial bodies pull the water in the opposite direction we use this power to continue, as we invite you to focus on the future. For the full experience we recommend you swim or drift with the sea using the outgoing tide to bring us back to the pontoon at Wells.

3-4 hours, depending on tides, weather and the light.


Food on the day

Working with local food producers to provide some of the best of Norfolk’s sustainable food. Breakfast is typically bacon and eggs with tea or locally ground coffee or a vegetarian option such as halloumi cheese, mushrooms and tomatoes and for lunch a light picnic or if it is cold soup. Homemade cakes will be served & vary from flapjacks to lemon drizzle or chocolate cake.


No experience is required, you will be guided through the entire refreshing process.


4 person charter from £385 exclusive hire.


Morocco Retreat

Lake Como Experience

Jo Fellows
IO Wellness Ambassador